The location of the Bunkhouse is on the Market Place – there are also two pubs  on the same large market place, some of them have live music events that go late into the night. The bedrooms facing away from the market place (bedrooms number 1, 2, 5, 6) are relatively unaffected by the noise, but the front facing bedrooms, though double glazed (numbers 3, 4, 7, 8) can let in some of the music and laughter sounds from the square. On the flipside, there is practically no restriction to how noisy you want to be in the Bunkhouse.

Your neighbours are an elderly lady with her carer (both get very anxious with late night noise in the garden) on one side and The Dale Manor, Cottage and Townhouse guests which are also our customers. Please enjoy the outdoor space, but keep it lower level after 8pm and really, really low, after 10pm.